Dear Parents & Guardians ,

We would like to give a warm welcome to you all, as we returned back to crèche this month.

It has been so wonderful seeing all our Links children again, and it has been great to see that they have settled back so well after being apart from us for the past few months.

We understand that it must be difficult for you as parents to now be restricted when it comes to entering the crèches during drop off and collections, due to the current HSE Covid 19 guidelines. But we hope that, through the photos we share here in our monthly newsletter, the weekly updates and through our social media pages, that you can see what fun the children are all having together in their Pods. They are very engaged in the daily activities we set out for them, and equally we are guided by them when it comes to interests and learning.

Our Educarers listen to the children and with any emerging interests, we will build on a theme based on the children’s interests.  For example, during our Summer theme this month, we spoke about summer holidays, beach days and various items of clothing that one might wear on a hot sunny day. One child then told us that he went camping during his time at home with his family in his back garden. Within an hour, a tent was created, a pretend fire pit “lit”, and camping songs were sung, as we enjoyed a lovely role play all about going camping.

We continue to practice all our safety measures to help keep viruses at bay. Regular hand washing is done, with our children singing their hand washing song whilst doing it. We have included our Hand Washing Song here too, if you wish to practice it at home to with your child.

All our chefs are so happy to see our children back too and they are delighted to be back cooking healthy, homemade and super tasty food for all our children.

Charlie, our Head Chef has shared a recipe in this newsletter with you all for his Chicken Broccoli Pasta dish, which is a big hit with all our children, and which is on our Summer / Autumn dinner menu. As the children love it so much, we thought it would be nice for you to make it at home too for your little ones. We hope you all enjoy.

Best Wishes,


Jolita Vascenkatie—Creche Manager

Extra safety measures have been put in place throughout the creche to help keep the spread of Covid 19 at bay.

Toys & all surfaces and items are cleaned regularly and we have hand

sanitisers and wash basins for children, at their height levels, that they can access easily. All our rooms are organised into Pods & our children are settling in nicely into them.

Baby Room News

Welcome to Amelia,  Fia, Hallin, Isabelle, Kai and Laoise – our new babies in our Baby Room.

We also celebrated baby Isabelle, Kai and Amelia’s 1st Birthdays too. They loved their birthday songs.

Our babies enjoyed painting, sensory play, and loved playing their new learning spaces, where we have lots of soft play areas for them to explore and enjoy.
We also made a Family Tree for our wall display, with their hand prints. They also loved building towers with soft bricks and knocking them down too, which made them giggle a lot.

Wobbler Room News

In July inn Wobblers 1, we welcomed Mila, Sid and James to our creche. We have had some nice weather so we have been having some lovely garden play and enjoying the fresh air as much as possible.

For Rainbow Day, we made some rainbow themed art and also made some art work using bubbles to print some colourful bubble shapes on our pages.

We loved dressing up in Green and painting on Jack Charlton Day too.

In our Wobblers 2 Room, we did some lovely abstract paintings, and painted different food items that we like to eat. Strawberries, ice-cream, water and lemons was amongst some of the items our children drew.

We loved being back in creche and playing with all the toys again, and seeing our friends. Our wobblers love cars, puzzles, role playing with friends, exercising, dancing and playing with musical instruments. All were enjoyed during the month of July when we were reunited again. They have really showed an interest in construction; using the bricks to make big towers and “houses” and creating a city to play in.

Toddler Room News

After being reunited with our friends and teachers, from being apart since March, we thought it would be nice to get to know one another again. Our “We Are Family” theme got our toddlers talking about their family members, pets, and extended families. We made framed photos and a family tree for display on our walls and used our handprints to create branches.

Animal Planets was a lovely theme for us to learn all about water creatures and jungle animals. We painted fishes, jellyfishes, lions, dogs and owls.

We had lots of fun keeping active with our fitness activities. And for our food theme, we painted hand fist prints to resemble apples, grapes with our fingertips.

Our children love exploring new colours. We mixed colours to paint the sun, umbrellas, rain clouds and flip flops, as we spoke about the weather and different things we wear during the different seasons.

We made a new friend to add to our room; our new robot, which we all helped make with tin foil and crepe paper is now in our room and we love playing with her.


Preschool & Afterschool Room News

For our Animal Planet theme, we learnt about different animals: their name, what they eat, where do they leave and what is the baby animals names. We did different arts and craft activities about the animals. Animals jigsaw and story books were also enjoyed. We did our favourite animals masks.

When it comes to music, we just love it! Our children loved making different musical instruments like caracas, guitars and tambourine. We formed a mini band and used our new musical instruments to play some tunes. We learnt about different musical instruments and listened to their sounds. We love singing and dancing to all sorts of rhythms.

Because it is Summer we talked about this season and things we do and wear in summer. We made footprint flip flops, ice-creams handprints, paper plates fans. We paint watermelons and we did a summer collage about the beach.

In memory of Jack Charlton, we dressed in green, played football and used paper plates we make a football ball and jerseys.

For Rainbow Day we all dress up in colourful clothes and we made a hand print rainbow as well as other decorations.

We mix up different colour paint to see how magically we get a new colour. We learned the name of different colours too.

We love free choice play too and playing role play with our friends. We enjoyed lots of PE, and some relaxing sessions, with our breathing exercise. Paint with brushes and foam, storytelling and garden time was also enjoyed in abundance.

For fun and fitness week we danced and exercised, practiced some yoga and stretching and for dance and drama we acted out our favourite book called  “I Love You Honey Bunny”, and we had a spectacular “Frozen” performance.

Our children are little young scientist experiment. We mixed colours to create new colours and explored how to do art using the shape inserts and we made houses and flowers.

Our children loved exploring their imagination by diving into the world of famous artists like Kandinsky and recreating his circles portraits. Our Afterschool children are enjoying colouring pictures and strengthening their hand muscles to get ready for back to school and will continue to play outdoor games and exercises using the soccer balls, cones and sports equipment.










