In The Full Swing Of Spring

Over the past four weeks, we have had such a busy, fun filled time, learning and playing together.

From themed events for Carnival Day, enjoying lots of dancing, singing and all things colourful, to diving into the different fantastic worlds in our story books for World Book Day. It has been most fun.

Pancake Tuesday was enjoyed with lots of tasty homemade pancakes made by our amazing Chefs. We also helped support Mental Health Ireland by taking part in their Smiley Pancake Day. Thank you to all who donated and supported.

We are delighted to welcome back some of our ECCE children. It is so great to be together again.

We are still missing some of our friends who have yet to return back to crèche with us, but we look forward to seeing them soon. In the meantime, we hope our children at home have been enjoying the videos we have posted on our Social Media Channels.

And we hope they are enjoying some of our curriculum learning at home too. Feel free to share any activities you have been enjoying at home with us.

In this newsletter, we have shared some insight into the activities from each of our rooms that has taken place over the last four weeks .

Just a additional note to say that our Baby Rooms are nearing capacity in all of our crèches for 2021 so we would like to advise any parents that might be expecting and if you require any sibling places, please enroll as soon as possible. Application forms are available from us or you can also contact Kim from our Admissions Team on

Our next newsletter for you will be in four weeks time, in the middle of April, where we will share more news with you on what our children have been doing.

Take Care.


Activities from our Baby Room

Our babies were busy over the past few weeks.

We used lights and colours to celebrate Carnival Day and we wrote our name in rice and coloured it all the bright colours.

We really enjoyed this activity the texture of the paint and rice felt so good on our hands.

Our babies used light to make shadows. This really stimulated our eyes and the contrasting brightness and darkness really caught our attention.

We also made place mats with our name on, and this was a lovely touch to introduce identity and belonging into our room.

Our Educarers introduced Spring time to us by making flowers and bee art and letting them buzz around our door on our door display.

We read our favourite book for World Book Day, “The Animals at the Farm”. Virginia made all the noises of the animals and this made us laugh so much.

For Mother’s Day we will make some lovely cards with our handprints which will make our mummy’s and granny’s so happy.

We also decided to get a little messy and wash our food.

This was so much fun we all got very messy but our Educarers helped us clean up.





Stories from our Wonderful Wobbler Room 

Our Wobblers had so much fun with Carnival Day, enjoying lots of singing and dancing.

We rolled our cars in the paint and watched the pretty colours splash all over the page, we all loved doing this.

To explore light and colours, we shone colourful lights on the wall and used them as disco lights. We had a super time dancing to all our favourite songs. We welcomed Spring by making flowers out of paper plates and we painted them the colours of our choice.

Using our creative box, we transformed it into a sensorial box, adding different things into it to explore. We learnt about water, air and even made clouds from cotton balls.

For our transport theme, we painted a road, grass and used our cars to go up and down the road.

We welcomed back the good weather by spending so much time in the garden. Our favourite game in the garden is “Ring A, Ring A Rosie”.

For World Book Day, we read our favourite book called “Moo Moo Mooing”. Our wobblers all pretended to be cows.

We are really enjoying music too, and our favourite song now is “The Music Man”.




Tales from our Toddler Room

For Carnival Day, our toddlers transformed into the most beautiful little butterflies. We made them out of colour crepe paper, and we flew around our garden and classroom. It was so much fun.

We made up our lovely routine all about dinosaurs we came up with this idea all by ourselves. We made some creepy crawlies for Mini Beasts Day and displayed them in our room.

Our children coloured them in and we used our own special colours.

For World Book Day we will read our favourite book “Aliens Love Underpants” and made bookmarks so when we want to do other things, we can hold the place in our book.

We also made helmets and pretended we were aliens.

For Mother’s Day, our children made special art and crafts to show our mums and grandmothers how much we love them.




Preschool Room News

Our preschool children had fun a fun packed four weeks of learning through play!

Preschool 1

With the nice Spring weather we have experienced over the last few weeks, we got to spend a lot of it in the garden. This got us talking about the outdoors and what we could find in the garden.

Our children talked about trees, plants and flowers, and we explained the difference between them all. Using picture cards to guide us visually, we made some flowers, branches and used pom poms to get some great tree effects.

We also used bubble wrap to add a different dimension to the textures. Our pre-school children loved exploring this.

For Pancake Tuesday, we enjoyed eating yummy pancakes. We also made some masks to celebrate Carnival Day.

With our Life Cycle theme about frogs and butterflies, we went on a nature walk to try and find butterflies. We didn’t see any but found some other mini beasts, like a ladybug and a slug.

This was good timing, as we were also learning about Mini Beasts at the same time. With our magnifying lenses, we set off outside to find more mini beasts. We celebrated World Book Day by drawing our own book with the help of Estella and Maria.

And for Mother’s Day, we made some lovely hearts, cards and cookies for our mums and grannies.

We are keeping our body’s stimulated with messy play such as water sand rice flour and pasta. Dance and our daily PE sessions are also keeping us super active. In the afternoons, we like to practice yoga and relaxing.

Our children also learned some new secondary colours and baked some cookies too.

Preschool 2

To celebrate Carnival Day, our pre-school children made masks and danced to our favourite songs.

We loved learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly and to celebrate Mini Beasts Day, Helen showed us books and we made a diagram about the life cycle of the butterfly and a frog.

For World Book Day, we made our own covers for books and read all our favourite stories. We are a big fan of “Anyone Can Be a Superhero” at the moment.

For Mother’s Day, we had a poto frame to gift to our mums. We are so grateful for their love to us, and we wanted to make them something very special to mark this day.

During Pet Week we talked about owning a pet and we learnt about responsibility, trust, and compassion, which are all needed to own a pet.

For Dinosaur Week our children learned some fun facts about dinosaur’s. We role played too and pretended we were dinosaurs.

Our shiny white teeth were all put on show, as we learned about healthy teeth and how to maintain this. Our children learnt about the importance of having healthy teeth and how to protect our teeth.