A Spring in our Step

As we stepped into Spring at the start of February, it felt like there was a change in the air.
A change in the brightness of the day, with the evenings getting a little bit longer, and even a change in the growth around us, with
the little peaks of daffodils slowing emerging up from their sleepy roots.

It is a welcome change, and we are looking forward to much more that the Spring season brings to us.

Our children have loved being together again; learning about Spring, insects, colours and their favourite thing to play with –
dinosaurs! We had enjoyed learning from each other too, and just all have fun together. We are still missing all of our friends who
have yet to return back to crèche yet with us, but we look forward to when that will be again. Hopefully very soon. In the meantime,
we hope our children at home have been enjoying the videos we have posted on our Social Media Channels. And we hope they are
enjoying some of our curriculum learning at home too.

Feel free to share any activities you have been enjoying at home with us.
In this bi-monthly newsletter, we have shared some insight into the activities from each of our rooms, that all took place over the first two weeks in February.

Our next newsletter for you will be in four weeks time, in the middle of March, where we will share more news with you on what our
children have been doing. Stay Safe.


Activities from our Baby Room

Our babies were very active for Balance Day. They crawled walked and shuffled through there new activity centre leaving our Educarers very amazed on how far they have come in the short space of time that they have been with us.

We also celebrated St Valentine’s Day, making card and footprints for our Mums and Dad, to show how much we really love them.

We also welcomed Darragh and Jack to our room and we are so happy they joined us.

We also said goodbye to Elise and Shane who have wobbled into wobblers to meet some new friends.


News from our Wobbler Room

In the Wobbler Room we celebrated music and all things that shake, rattle and roll. We made our own instruments, and the children loved the big piano that our Educarers made us, and which the children decorated.

We went out to the garden to hop on one leg, to practise our balance. We were very proud of ourselves. We also made some cards for St Valentines Day, to celebrate love, and we painted pictures and got messy.

Goodbye to some of our friends Elsie, Rian, Harry, Evie and Nivann who all joined the Toddler Room. We will miss you all but know you will have great fun your in your new play space.


Tails from our Toddler Room

For Balance Day we put the blocks on the ground and tried to walk along. Our toddlers did very well.

We also welcomed our new friends by making some yummy cookies and we all helped make them and enjoyed them at home.

We practised for Carnival Day by making unicorn masks and some other animals.

We made some cards for St Valentine’s Day using bright coloured reds and pinks.


Preschool Room Adventures

Our preschool children had a full two weeks of activities, which included them learning about dragons, dinosaurs, insects and bugs and St Valentines Day.

Preschool 1
Balance Day was a great opportunity for us to take our play outdoors, where we used the whole playground to make an obstacle course. We went up steps, down slide, and across our home-made bridges. We had an amazing time, and we were so tired after.
For our Dinosaur theme, we made dinosaur footprints with playdough and moulded them into shapes.
For Valentines Day, we made hearts and flowers by cutting out shapes, sticking and
gluing them for our parents and family members.


Preschool 2
We learned about the Chinese New Year with Helen and Natalia. Helen brought in decorations and a story book about the traditions of this festival. We enjoyed learning about that foods that they eat,
what the customs are and how Helen will celebrate with her family.
Balance Day was very interesting in pre school 2 as they put
a twist on it by playing a game of Twister. This was the ultimate balance game the children had so much fun.
We celebrated St Valentine’s Day by making cards and
presents for the ones we love. We used pink, purple and red hearts to make some amazing art which we are so proud of.
We will celebrating Carnival Day soon and will be having a
disco in the garden. Our children have been practising our carnival Jerusalem Challenge dance and we can’t wait to show Amy and Sabrina.