A Spring In Our Step

As we stepped into Spring at the start of February, it felt like there was a change in the air.
A change in the brightness of the day, with the evenings getting a little bit longer, and even a change in the growth around us, with the little peaks of
daffodils slowing emerging up from their sleepy roots.

It is a welcome change, and we are looking forward to much more that the Spring season brings to us.

Our children have loved being together again; learning about Spring, insects, colours and their favourite thing to play with – dinosaurs! We had enjoyed learning from each other too, and just all have fun together. We are still missing all of our friends who have yet to return back to crèche yet with us, but we
look forward to when that will be again. Hopefully very soon.

In the meantime, we hope our children at home have been enjoying the videos we have posted on our Social Media Channels. And we hope they are enjoying some of our curriculum learning at home too.

Feel free to share any activities you have been enjoying at home with us.

In this monthly newsletter, we have shared some insight into the activities from each of our rooms.

Just a additional note to say that our Baby Rooms are nearing capacity in all of our crèches for 2021 so we would like to advise any parents that might be expecting and if you require

any sibling places, please enroll as soon as possible. Application forms are available from us or you can also contact Kim from our Admissions Team on kim.jones@linkschildcare.ie.

Stay Safe.


Activities from our Baby Room

Welcome Springtime!

Our babies have loved all our Spring themed activities. They made rainbows with their gorgeous little handprints and explored animals and enjoyed some Baby Yoga to improve
their mobility and flexibility.

They were interested in climbing the soft blocks in their room so our Educarers brought them out to our indoor play area and introduced different soft blocks to develop their gross motor skills.



Stories from our Wonderful Wobbler Room

Our wobblers are learning about the three primary colours and trying to identify these colours in their room with a little help from Angie & Maria.

With Springtime upon us, we looked at some farm animals and created a little farm using cardboard leaves and brown paint.

We created sensory bags with paint & also made sensory bottles with glitter, rice & pompons. We are growing lentils in cotton wool and the children brought in containers so
they will have them to bring home. Iris has been busy watering them and we cannot wait to see them grow.

Congratulations to Amy who became a big sister and we welcomed Harry to our Wobbler Room too.




Tails From Our Toddler Room

For our Colours theme, our Toddlers identified as many colours as they could find in their room. They made a colour monster book and Sarah brought in two books to read.

This month they also practised balance skills and they made balance lines using tape on the floor. They balanced walking with cups of water trying their best not to spill any!

For St Valentine’s week we were busy making cards for our family and friends. We also sang songs about love and read books about love and friendship.

For Carnival Day we made masks and danced to Spanish music and for our Spring theme, we looked at how the weather changes during this season. We also planted
some seeds and cannot wait to watch them grow.

Learning about our emotions is a lovely way for us to learn who to express our feelings. We enjoyed activities based on our emotions and the different types of emotions and how
we can differentiate them.

For our Shapes we explored different shapes of the sun, moon, and the stars and even the shape that our pizza is cut into.

Dinosaurs is one of our favourite themes to explore. We created different dinosaurs from paper plates and talked about the food they eat, the different shapes & colours of them and used our dinosaur feet to make stamps. We also baked biscuits and made pancakes for Pancake Tuesday.




Preschool Room News

For our Dinosaurs theme, our preschool children explored the different types of dinosaurs and created their favourite dinosaurs using paper plates and paint.

We made some Springtime flowers with pipe cleaners and planted seeds to watch them grow.

For our life cycle of a butterfly learning, we created the life cycle by using paper plates, rice, pasta & pom poms. We sang songs about butterflies and read The Hungry Caterpillar

During Chinese New Year, we made our own dragons and did some Chinese calligraphy. For Balance Day, we made circuits and courses for crawling and jumping and practiced
balancing on beams.

When it snowed, we collected some snow in containers and brought it to our room to explore the texture. We also enjoyed some sand play and got chatting about the seasons
and the weather.

St Valentines Day was spent making love themed arts and crafts and we made Rapunzels castle out of a cardboard box.

We also made musical instruments for our Links Band, creating our own shakers and guitars to create some lovely music and songs for our band.