A Spring in our Step

As we stepped into Spring at the start of February, it felt like there was a change in the air.
A change in the brightness of the day, with the evenings getting a little bit longer, and even a change in the growth around us, with
the little peaks of daffodils slowing emerging up from their sleepy roots.
It is a welcome change, and we are looking forward to much more that the Spring season brings to us.
Our children have loved being together again; learning about Spring, insects, colours and their favourite thing to play with –
dinosaurs! We had enjoyed learning from each other too, and just all have fun together. We are still missing all of our friends who
have yet to return back to crèche yet with us, but we look forward to when that will be again. Hopefully very soon. In the meantime,
we hope our children at home have been enjoying the videos we have posted on our Social Media Channels. And we hope they are
enjoying some of our curriculum learning at home too.
Feel free to share any activities you have been enjoying at home with us.
In this bi-monthly newsletter, we have shared some insight into the activities from each of our rooms, that all took place over the
first two weeks in February.
Our next newsletter for you will be in four weeks time, in the middle of March, where we will share more news with you on what our
children have been doing. Stay Safe.


Activities from our Baby Room

Our babies loved playing together and learning about colours.

We used different materials like paint and daily objects we have in our room to show them different colours and shapes. This gave the children the chance to observe lots of colours, just as the result of mixing them.

For example, they painted their handprints with different colours and they used their bodies to paint on paper on the floor.

We put paint into our sensory bags and loved swashing them together.

Using the toys in our room, like balls, blocks, cars, we added these objects into boxes and coded them by colour. This also helped the children with their fine motor skills.

We also made a new CD for our babies and we will be listening and dancing to our new songs for the rest of the month.


Stories from our Wonderful Wobbler & Toddler Rooms

On February 1st we all came back to the crèche with a lot of energy! We did lot of messy play, like painting with our feet, fingers and hands.

The topic of the week was the colours, so we learned how to mix colours and the name of all the colours. We have been playing different games like ‘colour, colour’ where the teacher say a colour and the children have to find something with this colour. We did some colourful birds to hang on the door with our favourite colour.

We also celebrated ‘Balance Day’, and we practiced our balance with different games and activities like yoga.

Because we are all very interested in birds we see in the garden, we built a birdhouse with a milk carton, to hang it in the garden and see if the birds go inside to feed. We are super excited.


Preschool Room Adventures

Our preschool children had a full two weeks of activities, which included them learning about dragons, dinosaurs, insects and bugs and St Valentines Day.

Our children are very interested in the subject of Space: the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets as well as the way we get there, through Rockets and the people who go to Space, such as Astronauts and Engineers.

Last week, the children learned about the sun, the moon, and the stars. The children also did a lot of arts and crafts . They made a night and a day activity where they had to draw the sun and the moon and then added glue and glitter to make stars and cotton bubs to make clouds. Using this lovely artwork we made our own sky. The children also enjoyed playing with “space play dough” that we made and each child got to bring some home. The children made a hand print rocket that we added to our sky. We made “moon rocks” and “stars” with salt dough and afterwards the children painted then.

We celebrated Balance Day, and we played a lot of games to develop their balance like the shovelboard, the game “floor is lava” and a circuit with blocks.

This week we are also learning about planets. We will make an astronaut box using the salt dough stars and moon rocks from last week. Also, they are going to prepare a planetarium for the class. They will paint the planets of our solar system and once dry, we will hang on the ceiling. They also are going to learn about constellations.
We also celebrated St Valentine´s Day for our loved ones we made a heart necklace and a card for them.