What a busy month we have had in crèche – and what fun too.

Celebrations included Easter and Earth Day and we enjoyed themed events such as National Pet Day, caring for our pets and Space Day.

We are delighted to welcome back all of our children and we are having such fun together. Keep an eye out on our Social Media Channels for photos of our daily activities.

Elma Gicevic

Activities from our Baby Room

Our babies loved exploring all about the moon, stars and the galaxies. They made some space themed artwork and we played with different moon shapes.

The children also showed a great interested in animals and we read lots of story books about them and played with our animal figures. We made some animal masks and used our foot prints to made flamingo artwork.


Stories from our Wonderful Wobbler & Toddler Rooms

Our Wobblers and Toddlers had such a great time learning about Space.

They loved doing lots of space arts and crafts. Everyone had lots of fun creating rockets and painting their Sun and Moon. We also had loads of fun in the garden looking for
rockets and all the different planets in the sky.

We just love Fairy Tales, and we had such fun reading lots of our favourite ones. They particularly enjoyed reading about the Three Little Pigs.

We painted some pigs and made houses for pigs out of straw. We learned about loads of different fairy tales, but the children’s favourites seemed to be Cinderella and the
Three Little Pigs. We done lots of Cinderella craft and made a Cinderella a pumpkin carriage and shoes.

We combined out love of being outdoors and picnics together by enjoying both things at the same time. We had a lovely picnic outside and brought our teddy bears out for
a picnic in the garden.

We did arts and crafts, creating the children’s favourite foods such as sandwiches, cake, and ice cream.




Pre-school & After-school Room News

Preschool One

During the first week in April, we enjoyed the topic of Farm animals. Children enjoyed making piglets, sheep, and making farms out of wooden blocks and clicks and drawing pictures
of animals. Our Pre-school children also enjoyed singing Old Mc Donald Had a Farm song and reading stories.

During our second week children were interested in transport, so we made boats, hot air balloons and they had car race in the garden.

Our dinosaur theme is always a big bit amongst our children. They really enjoyed making dinosaurs fossils using dough, making lava gloop and learning all dinosaurs’ names. We also
loved story time when we read dinosaurs book and played with our dinosaur figures too.

Preschool Two & Afterschool
After having a great time for Easter, we started April exploring the secrets of the sea. We were pretending to be divers that cannot wait to explore the ocean, starfish,
seahorses, mermaids, seashells, and treasures. We could discover all this using our Scuba divers. We were also curious about Space, the planets, the solar system, the Moon, the Sun, and of course our planet the Earth. We had so much fun playing with our solar system planets puppets. Our sky is amazing. That week we discover that Venus has lots of Volcanos, and for that reason, our theme of the third week of April was Volcanos. We made the volcano experiments with red food colouring, baking, baking soda and vinegar.

We also learned about different heights, countries, and maps. We made a giraffe that will help us know which one of us is the tallest in the class. We made a big world map in our
class, and everyone wants to find Ireland on the map.

Children also wanted to know where Canada is and the Artic and we can’t wait to learn all about the world map.