Your Child’s Day

It is important to us that your child feels happy and at home at Links. We believe children learn best through play. Allowing your child to lead their own learning creates space for their imagination to grow. The daily routine of drop-off and mealtimes provide a sense of safety and stability, while time spent outdoors in our well-equipped garden areas enhances the child’s health and well-being.


From the moment your child comes into us each morning we want to make sure they are comfortable and happy. Parents are invited to drop children directly to their room where an Educarer will greet you and welcome your child. This is a great opportunity for parents to take a peek into crèche life, before your busy day.

Child-led play

Here at Links, we believe that children learn best when they are in the driving seat. While our curriculum is in the background, we follow the interests of the children and encourage them to use their imagination.

All of our crèches are set up to encourage independent play with role-play stations, quiet library corners, sensory activities, arts and crafts and construction toys. We want to nurture your child's natural curiosity and help them to engage with their environment and their peers. Learning is fun when everyday is different!


Our onsite Chefs are part of the family and mealtimes are one of the most exciting times of day! Our Chef's prepare homecooked meals tailored to the dietary needs of each child depending on what stage they are at. We change our menus frequently to make sure we are including a wide variety of in-season fruit and vegetables. Mealtimes are a social occasion. The children sit together with their Educarers and enjoy their food while chatting with their friends. Our Chefs are more than happy to share recipes with parents and provide any advice and assistance needed.

Outdoor play

Each of our crèches is equipped with a spacious garden area for the children to play and explore. Weather permitting, we strive to spend as much time as possible outdoors to allow the children to run and play, fostering their curiosity and appreciation for the world around them.

Sleep and rest

Rest is so important for your child's development and overall well-being. When your child joins us at Links, we will work with you to understand their current sleep routines and help them to adjust to their new environment. We have dedicated sleep spaces in each crèche.


Parents are welcome to pick up their children directly from their rooms. We operate an open door policy at Links so parents can enter the crèche at anytime to check in on their child. At pick-up our Educarers will tell you all about your child’s day. Prepare to go home with their latest masterpiece!

Childcare stages to meet your child’s needs at any age