Shaping Healthy Eating

Nutrition at Links

Our belief that diet in these early years is profoundly influential for life, is reflected in our motto Shaping Healthy Eating… and this is what we strive to do every day.

We have a talented Chef on-site in all of our crèches. Many of our Chefs have worked for long periods of time with the children and know exactly who likes what. They also know how to coax the reluctant eater with all the tricks of the trade. Hear more from our Head Chef, Charlie:

Charlie and our team of Chefs emphasise the need for food to look and taste good of course, but also to ‘feel’ good. Considerable work has gone into the provision of a variety of textures to excite and challenge young taste buds! We want our children to experience the five main textures: watery, firm, crunchy, creamy and chewy as part of their daily food journey.

Everything is home-cooked from scratch. This means that food allergies, cultural preferences or parental requests can be accommodated at any stage in the recipe. Our Educarers make every meal a social occasion by sitting down with the children.  It is essential that all children see dinner and tea as a happy time to be enjoyed with friends.

At Links there is a place at the table for everyone – big eaters, small eaters, fussy eaters, I am too busy to ‘eaters’, non-eaters! 

We always listen to our keen food critics …. your children!

Sample Menu

Allergens: 1.1 Wheat 1.2 Oats 2. Eggs 3.Soya 4.Milk 5.Celery 6. Sulphates